Package 'eye'

Title: Analysis of Eye Data
Description: There is no ophthalmic researcher who has not had headaches from the handling of visual acuity entries. Different notations, untidy entries. This shall now be a matter of the past. Eye makes it as easy as pie to work with VA data - easy cleaning, easy conversion between Snellen, logMAR, ETDRS letters, and qualitative visual acuity shall never pester you again. The eye package automates the pesky task to count number of patients and eyes, and can help to clean data with easy re-coding for right and left eyes. It also contains functions to help reshaping eye side specific variables between wide and long format. Visual acuity conversion is based on Schulze-Bonsel et al. (2006) <doi:10.1167/iovs.05-0981>, Gregori et al. (2010) <doi:10.1097/iae.0b013e3181d87e04>, Beck et al. (2003) <doi:10.1016/s0002-9394(02)01825-1> and Bach (2007) <>.
Authors: Tjebo Heeren [aut, cre] , Antoine Fabri [ctb]
Maintainer: Tjebo Heeren <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2025-02-11 03:11:31 UTC

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Cleaning up Visual acuity entries


VA cleaning:

  1. tidyNA: Replacing empty placeholders (".","", "(any number of empty space)", "NULL", "NA", "N/A" , "-") - any cases - with NA

  2. Simplifying the notation for qualitative VA notation (NPL becomes NLP, PL becomes LP)

  3. Removing non-Snellen character strings


clean_va(x, quali = c("nlp", "lp", "hm", "cf"), message = TRUE)

cleanVA(x, quali = c("nlp", "lp", "hm", "cf"), message = TRUE)



Vector with VA entries


strings for qualitative visual acuity entries


message for replaced NA values


character vector

See Also

Other VA cleaner: va()

Count patients and eyes


Counts number of subjects and right and left eyes. Columns are guessed.


eyes(x, id_col = NULL, eye_col = NULL, dropunknown = TRUE, details = FALSE)

eyestr(x, ..., english = "small", caps = FALSE)



required. (data frame)


Subject identifying column, passed as (quoted) character Can also be abbreviated to "id" as per partial matching


Eye identifying column, passed as (quoted) character. Can also be abbreviated to "eye" as per partial matching


introduces NA for values not recognized by recodeye


if TRUE, will add information about which and how many subjects have only one eye or both included, and provide a list of subject IDs for each


passed to eyes


Which numbers to be written in plain english: choose "small" for numbers till 12, "all" (all numbers), or "none" (or any other string!) for none


if TRUE, first number will have capital first letter


List (of class "eyes" with count of patients and eyes if "details = TRUE", an list of class "eyes_details" will be returned

eyestr: Character string - can be directly pasted into reports

Column guessing

id_col and eye_col arguments overrule the name guessing for the respective columns (here, cases need to match). Both arguments can be abbreviated (id or eye) as per partial argument name matching.

For any below, cases are always ignored (column names can be in upper or lower case, as you please)

patient ID columns:

  • First, eyes is looking for names that contain both strings "pat" and "id" (the order doesn't matter) - you can change this with set_eye_strings

  • Next, it will look for columns that are plainly called "ID"

  • Last, it will search for all names that contain either "pat" or "id"

eye column:

  • eyes primarily looks for columns called either "eye" or "eyes", (you can change this with set_eye_strings) and if they are not present, columns containing string "eye" (e.g., EyeName will be recognized)

Eye coding

The following codes are recognized: (change this with set_eye_strings)

  • integer coding 0:1 and 1:2, right eye being the lower number.

  • right eyes: c("r", "re", "od", "right") and

  • left eyes: c("l", "le", "os", "left") and

  • both eyes: c("b", "both", "ou")

If your eye column contains other values, they will be dropped to NA (dropunknown) or kept (and then only patients will be counted, because coding remains unclear). Recommend then to recode with recodeye


eyestr creates a string which can be pasted into reports. It currently only supports "x eyes of n patient(s)" This is a limitation, but I guess in the vast majority of cases will be "correct". To use for other categories (e.g., "people" or "participants"), use eyes(...)[1]



## If you code your eyes with different strings,
## e.g., because you are using a different language,
## you can change this either with `set_eye_strings`
set_eye_strings(right = c("droit", "od"), left = c("gauche", "og"))

## restore defaults with
# Examples for the usage of eyestr

ls_dat <-
  lapply(c(1, 12, 13),
    function(x) data.frame(id = as.character(1:x),
                           eye = sample(c("r", "l"), x, replace = TRUE)))

lapply(ls_dat, eyestr, english = "small")
lapply(ls_dat, eyestr, english = "all")
lapply(ls_dat, eyestr, english = "all", caps = TRUE)
lapply(ls_dat, eyestr, english = "none")
lapply(ls_dat, eyestr, english = "none")



calculates age in years, as durations or periods


getage(from_date, to_date = lubridate::now(), period = FALSE, dec = 1)



start date


end date


Calculating period (TRUE) or duration (FALSE- default)


How many decimals are displayed


Numeric vector


Antoine Fabri and Tjebo Heeren

See Also

OP on stackoverflow from which this function was inspired. Read about periods and durations



dob <-  c("1984-10-16", "2000-01-01")
test_date <-  as.Date(dob) + c(15000, 20000)
getage(dob, test_date)

Hyperopic eye data


Pivot eye-related variables to two columns


hyperop(x, cols, eye = NULL)



data frame


columns which should be made "wide". Tidyselection supported


eye column (default looking for "eye" or "eyes", all cases)


Basically the opposite of myop() - a slightly intelligent wrapper around tidyr::pivot_longer() and tidyr::pivot_wider() Will find the eye column, unify the codes for the eyes (all to "r" and "l") and pivot the columns wide, that have been specified in "cols".

Good names and tidy data always help!

For more information about shaping data and good names, see vignette("eye"), or ?blink or ?myop


A tibble, see also tibble::tibble

See Also

About tidyselection


# Example to clean a bit messy data frame

iopva <- data.frame(
  id = c("a", "e", "j", "h"),
  va_r = c(37L, 36L, 33L, 38L),
  iop_r = c(38L, 40L, 33L, 34L),
  va_l = c(30L, 39L, 37L, 40L),
  iop_l = c(31L, 34L, 33L, 31L)
myop_iop <- myop(iopva)
hyperop(myop_iop, cols = matches("va|iop"))

Myopic eye data


Pivot "eye" variable to one column


myop(x, var = "value")

myopic(x, var = "value")



data frame


Character vector of length 1 specifying the variable if there is only one column per eye with no further info on the variable (default "value")


Out of convenience, data is often entered in a very "wide" format: there will be two columns for the same variable, one column for each eye. myop will pivot the eye variable to one column and keep all other variables wide. E.g., eight columns that store data of four variables for two eyes will be pivoted to 5 columns (one eye and four further variable columns, see also examples).

myop requires a specific data format

If there is a column called "eye" or "eyes", myop will not make any changes - because the data is then already assumed to be in long format. If you also have columns with eye-specific values, then you have messy data. Maybe, you could remove or rename the "eye" column and then let myop do the work.

myop will only recognize meaningful coding for eyes:

  • Right eyes: "r", "re", "od", "right"

  • Left eyes: "l", "le", "os", "left"

  • for other codes see also eye_codes The strings for eyes need to be separated by period or underscores. (Periods will be replaced by underscores). Any order is allowed.

  • Will work: "va_r", "right_morningpressure", "night_iop.le", "gat_os_postop"

  • Will fail: "VAr", "rightmorningPressure", "night_IOPle", "gatOSpostop"

An exception is when there is only one column for each eye. Then the column names can consist of eye strings (see above) only. In this case, var will be used to "name" the resulting variable.

If there are only eye columns in your data (should actually not happen), myop will create identifiers by row position.

Please always check the result for plausibility. Depending a lot on how the data was entered, the results could become quite surprising. There is basically a nearly infinite amount of possible combinations of how to enter data, and it is likely that myop will not be able to deal with all of them


A tibble, see also tibble::tibble

internal preparation

  • Rename data names with myop_rename, replacing "." with "_"

  • Use of sort_substr() - sorting eye strings first, then strings coding for methods (IOP/VA), then the rest.


The actual work is done with myopizer and myop_pivot


# Example to clean a bit messy data frame
iopva <- data.frame(
  id = c("a", "e", "j", "h"),
  va_r = c(37L, 36L, 33L, 38L),
  iop_r = c(38L, 40L, 33L, 34L),
  va_l = c(30L, 39L, 37L, 40L),
  iop_l = c(31L, 34L, 33L, 31L)

iop_wide <- data.frame(id = letters[1:3],  r = 11:13 , l = 14:16)
# the variable has not been exactly named, so you can specify
# it with the var argument
myop(iop_wide, var = "iop")

parsing snellen fractions to numeric values


parsing snellen fractions to numeric values






Recode eyes


recoding eyes to "r" and "l"


recodeye(x, to = NULL, eyestrings = NULL, dropunknown = TRUE)



vector of strings


named vector to which eye codes. If unnamed, this order: c(r, l, b)


named list of substrings which should be converted to right and left eyes - if passed unnamed, this order: list(r, l, b)


introduces NA for values that are not part of eyestrings


Character vector

string detection

recodeye will automatically detect the following strings: right = c("r", "re", "od", "right"), left = c("l", "le", "os", "left"), both = c("b","both","ou")

You can change this with set_eye_strings

to and eyecode arguments

If passed, should ideally be of same length, and have the respective eyes at the same index (or with the same name!). If the lengths are not equal, e.g., if only "to" is passed with n elements, the shorter argument will be will be cut down to the first n elements of the longer argument.

Note that all unique strings which are part of the column should be contained in the "eyecode" argument.

numeric coding

Currently numeric coding only accepts binary coding (right and left eye). In order to use numeric coding for "both eyes" as well, a workaround using the eyestrings argument is suggested.

See Also

Other string matching functions: getElem, sort_substr(), str_search


x <- c("r", "re", "od", "right", "l", "le", "os", "left", "both", "ou")

## chose the resulting codes
recodeye(x, to = c("od", "os", "ou"))

x <- 1:2

## If you code your eyes with different strings,
## e.g., because you are using a different language,
## you can change this either with the eyestrings argument,
french <- c("OD", "droit", "gauche", "OG")
recodeye(french, eyestrings = list(r = c("droit", "od"), l = c("gauche", "og")))

## or change it more globally with `set_eye_strings`
set_eye_strings(right = c("droit", "od"), left = c("gauche", "og"))

## restore defaults with



Shows commonly used summary statistics


reveal(x, by = NULL, dec = 1, funs = NULL)



data frame, numeric vector, or list of numeric vectors


character vector with the names of the columns. Can be several variables!


how many decimals are displayed


not really meant to be used at the moment - change the Summarizing functions with a named(!) list of functions


Character vectors (or character columns) will be removed.


data frame

See Also

Other revealer: reveal_methods, reveal_split()


x = y = z = c(rnorm(20), NA)
mylist <- list(x = x, y = y, z = z)
## vectors
## named or unnamed list
mydf <- cbind(group = rep(letters[1:3], 4),
setNames(, NA), n = 3)), letters[24:26]))
## data frames
## data frames by group
reveal(mydf, by = "group")

reveals little helper


S3 generic and methods


revealEye(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'list'
revealEye(x, by, dec, funs, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
revealEye(x, dec, funs, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
revealEye(x, dec, funs, ...)

## Default S3 method:
revealEye(x, dec, funs, ...)



data frame, numeric vector, or list of numeric vectors


further arguments passed to methods


character vector with the names of the columns. Can be several variables!


how many decimals are displayed


not really meant to be used at the moment - change the Summarizing functions with a named(!) list of functions


data frame

See Also

Other revealer: reveal_split(), reveal()

Set list of codes


This sets the list of codes used throughout the eye package for the coding of all kind of stuff. If you want to change recognized codes, this is the place to do it. See examples below how to easily overwrite it. It is important that you must pass them as a character vector!

cases are always ignored, so you don't need to worry about this bit.


  right = c("r", "re", "od", "right"),
  left = c("l", "le", "os", "left"),
  both = c("b", "both", "ou"),
  iop = c("iop", "gat", "nct"),
  iop_partial = c("pressure"),
  va = c("va", "bcva"),
  va_method = c("etdrs", "snellen", "logmar"),
  va_partial = c("acuit"),
  id = c("pat", "id"),
  eye = c("eye", "eyes"),
  quali = c("nlp", "lp", "hm", "cf"),



right eyes


left eyes


both eyes


IOP codes


partial strings used to find IOP columns


VA codes


VA methods (used to recognize VA columns - when those strings occur "fully", i.e., not as part of sth else)


Also used to find VA columns - looking for partial strings


patient column codes


eye column codes


quali VA codes


currently not used, but might be needed in the future


# To expand recognized codes for eyes, e.g. if you want to use French names
set_eye_strings(right = c("droit", "od"), left = c("gauche", "og"))

# To restore the defaults, simply call set_eye_strings empty

Convert plus minus entries


Convert plus minus entries


snellensteps(x, smallstep)



Vector with VA entries of class snellen - needs to be in format xx/yy


if plusminus shall be considered as logmar equivalent


character vector of Snellen entries

See Also

Other VA converter: VAwrapper, plausibility_methods, va_methods, va_mixed(), va(), which_va()

Visual acuity notation conversion


Cleans and converts visual acuity notations (classes) between Snellen (decimal, meter and feet), ETDRS, and logMAR.


va(x, from = NULL, to = NULL, type = "ft", smallstep = FALSE, noplus = FALSE)



Vector with visual acuity entries. Must be atomic. Snellen fractions need to be entered with "/"


will force to evaluate from which notation to convert - Must be "etdrs", "logmar", "snellen" or "snellendec". Ignored if the value should not be plausible.


To which class to convert. "etdrs", "logmar" or "snellen" - any case allowed. If NULL (default), will simply "clean up" VA entries. This may then result in a vector of "mixed" VA notations.


To which Snellen notation to convert: "m", "dec" or "ft"


how +/- entries are evaluated. FALSE: increase/decrease Snellen fractions by lines. TRUE: plus/minus entries equivalent to 0.02 logmar


ignoring plus/minus entries and just returning the snellen fraction. This overrides the smallstep argument.


vector of va class. See also "VA classes"

VA conversion

  • logMAR to ETDRS: logMAR rounded to the first digit and converted with the visual acuity chart (see section VA chart)

  • Snellen to logMAR: logMAR = -1 * log10(snellen_frac)

  • Snellen to ETDRS: ETDRS = 85 + 50 * log10(snellen_frac) doi:10.1097/iae.0b013e3181d87e04

  • ETDRS to logMAR: logMAR = -0.02 * etdrs + 1.7 Beck et al. doi:10.1016/s0002-9394(02)01825-1

  • Hand movements and counting fingers are converted following Schulze-Bonsel et al. -

  • (No) light perception are converted following the suggestions by Michael Bach

Qualitative visual acuity entries

In order to calculate with qualitative entries counting fingers, hand movement and (no) perception of light, use logMAR ! Qualitative visual acuity lower than counting fingers is assigned 0 ETDRS letter, in order to keep it as a measurement (not: NA). It is very difficult to justify a "negative" letter score in a test which only has a specific range (0-100).

  • To Snellen: Although there seems to be no good statistical reason to convert back to Snellen, it is a very natural thing to eye specialists to think in Snellen. A conversion to snellen gives a good gauge of how the visual acuity for the patients are. However, back-conversion should not be considered an exact science and any attempt to use formulas will result in very weird Snellen values that have no correspondence to common charts. Therefore, Snellen matching the nearest ETDRS and logMAR value in the VA chart are used.

VA chart

You can find with eye:::va_chart. This chart and VA conversion formulas are based on charts in Holladay et al.doi:10.1016/j.jcrs.2004.01.014, Beck et al. doi:10.1016/s0002-9394(02)01825-1Beck et al., and Gregori et al.doi:10.1097/iae.0b013e3181d87e04. The etdrs values for NLP and PL are deliberately set at those values because they are unlikely to happen by chance as a wrong entry (and as integers), and it has internal reasons that make conversion easier.

Accepted VA formats / Plausibility checks

  • Snellen fractions (meter/ feet) need to be entered as fraction with "/". Any fractions allowed. You can get creative with your snellens. see "Examples"

  • ETDRS must be integer-equivalent between 0 and 100 (integer equivalent means, it can also be a character vector)

  • logMAR must be -0.3 <= x <= 3.0

  • Snellen decimal must be 0 < x <= 2

  • Qualitative must be either of PL, LP, NLP, NPL, HM, CF (any case allowed)

  • Plausibility checks are performed for the automatically or manually defined notation.

  • Any element which is implausible/ not recognized will be converted to NA

Entries with mixed VA notations

Use va_mixed instead.

Snellen "+/-" entries

By default, plus/minus entries are evaluated as intended by the test design: Snellen fractions increase/decrease only by lines.

- if entry -2 to +2 : take same Snellen value
- if < -2 : take Snellen value one line below
- if > +2 : take Snellen value one line above

If smallstep = TRUE, each snellen optotype will be considered equivalent to 0.02 logmar (assuming 5 letters in a row in a chart)

VA cleaning

For more details see clean_va()

  1. NA is assigned to strings such as "." or "", "n/a" or " "

  2. notation for qualitative entries is simplified.

VA classes

convertVA returns a vector of three classes:

  1. va

  2. One of snellen, snellendec, logmar, etdrs or quali.

  3. Either of character (for Snellen, snellendec, and qualitative), numeric (for logMAR), or integer (for ETDRS).

See Also

Other Ophthalmic functions: va_mixed()

Other VA converter: VAwrapper, plausibility_methods, snellen_steps, va_methods, va_mixed(), which_va()

Other VA cleaner: clean_va()


## will automatically detect VA class and convert to logMAR by default
## ETDRS letters
x <- c(23, 56, 74, 58)

## ... or convert to snellen
va(x, to = "snellen")

## snellen, mixed with categories. Also dealing with those "plus/minus" entries
va(c("NLP", "NPL", "PL", "LP", "HM", "CF", "6/60", "20/200", "6/9",
 "20/40", "20/40+3", "20/50-2"))

## A mix of notations is also possible
x <- c("NLP", "0.8", "34", "3/60", "2/200", "20/40+3", "20/50-2")

## Any fraction is possible, and empty values
x <- c("CF", "3/60", "2/200", "", "20/40+3", ".", "      ")

## but this not any fraction when converting from one class to the other
x <- c("3/60", "2/200", "6/60", "20/200", "6/9")
va(x, to="snellen", type = "m")

VA classes


va_mixed is a wrapper around va on all possible VA notations. By default, c("snellen", "etdrs", "logmar", "snellendec") will be converted - in that order! For tricky cases see details and examples. Note that va_mixed will not give nice messages which values are transformed from which notation, and which values were replaced with NA.


va_mixed(x, to, possible)



vector with mixed VA entries


to which notation to be converted


which possible VA notations - and the precedence given, see details


Mixed entries are challenging, but unfortunately seem to occur in real life data. It will be fairly individual what you have in yours, but it should hopefully not happen that you have all possible notations. Snellen fractions are usually not challenging because they contain a "/", thus are easy to recognize.

Most problematic are values between 0 and 3, in particular full integers - this can be EDTRS, snellen decimal notation or logmar. If your data doesn't have snellen decimal notation, specify this with "possible", e.g. with possible = c("snellen", "etdrs", "logmar"). If you know that you don't have any ETDRS value less than 4, you can safely give precedence to logmar instead, like this: possible = c("snellen", "logmar", "etdrs") @examples

awfully mixed notation!! (and note the wrong -1 value)

x <- c(NA, "nlp", 1:2, 1.1, -1, "20/40", "4/6", "6/1000", 34) va_mixed(x, to = "snellen")

"I only have snellen and snellen decimal notation in my data"

va_mixed(x, to = "snellen", possible = c("snellen", "snellendec"))

"I have snellen, logmar and etdrs in my data, and there is no etdrs value

less than 4" va_mixed(x, to = "snellen", possible = c("snellen", "logmar", "etdrs"))

See Also

Other Ophthalmic functions: va()

Other VA converter: VAwrapper, plausibility_methods, snellen_steps, va_methods, va(), which_va()

VA conversion wrapper


Simple convenience wrapper around va to get desired VA class


to_logmar(x, ...)

to_etdrs(x, ...)

to_snellen(x, ...)

as_logmar(x, ...)

as_etdrs(x, ...)

as_snellen(x, ...)



vector of visual acuities


parameters passed to va


vector with visual acuity of class as_(...) or to_(...) See also convertVA: "VA classes"

VA conversion

For details see va and convertVA

See Also

Other VA converter: plausibility_methods, snellen_steps, va_methods, va_mixed(), va(), which_va()


x <- c(23, 56, 74, 58) ## ETDRS letters
to_snellen(x, type = "dec")

x <- c("NLP", "0.8", "34", "3/60", "2/200", "20/50", "  ", ".", "-", "NULL")
to_snellen(x, from = "snellendec")
to_snellen(x, from = "etdrs")
to_snellen(x, from = "logmar")